The new single from Amy Jo drops on June 7th, you can stream it from all main platforms from then on, and the link is below as well.
We have been listening to Amy Jo here at the magazine for a year or so now, since we spoke to her in February 2023 during the time of her single “February 14th.”
I would describe Amy Jo musically as a melodic storyteller, and she largely agreed with that assessment when she spoke to us back then:
Amy Jo: I do see myself as a storyteller. I have always enjoyed stories, and as a child, I loved stories and films. Thinking back, as a child, I wrote little stories, and I had a 100-page novel by the time I was 7! It maybe wasn’t very good, but I really enjoyed the tales, and this extends to enjoying watching the world today. This may be just sitting in a cafe and seeing how people interact.
That aspect of her remains true and is taken into the new single. I should also note that she is heading out to play some gigs in the coming months, so watch out for her posts on her Instagram.

And now the review:
A couple of acoustic chords and we are straight into the tale of two lovers meeting, “the world gets tough the wrong side of twenty,”
The song is full of melancholic sweetness, meetings at train stations, and harmony. The song is surely a must play for Radio 2 and country radio; it’s very commercial. It switches into an electric guitar break late in the song, which changes the feel a bit, but the country vibe is always there. I really enjoyed listening to it, it’s gone straight to my playlist, and I hope you all support the artist and stream the song.
Artist Website here
You can stream the single here
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