The Fods release “My Fine Derangement” as a follow up to “You’ve Not Got Me” as the second single from the “Don’t Argue” EP.

The Fods are interesting as a concept in themselves! For the uninitiated, The Fods are a transatlantic writing and recording duo that adds some of the best vocalists in the business to their distinctive indie punk rock sound. They consist of a revolving ensemble of collaborators that ranges from new friends made in the internet’s Wild West to enduring writing partnerships from the 1990s. The result is a varied collection of songs that are always guitar-forward, genre-spanning, and upbeat. Because writers, performers, collaborators, and technologists come from all over the world, every song has a unique feel to it.


As with “You’ve Not Got Me (December 2023), “My Fine Derangement” was penned in the mid-’90s (by Don’t Argue), but was lost to the world until a 4-track recording was unearthed and The Fods took to rerecording a modernized version that sticks to its original roots. The result is a bigger-sounding, up tempo indie rock anthem that gets inside your body and your mind.

“My Fine Derangement” has crisp production, some great guitar riffs, and this big drum sound pounding the rhythm beneath. The vocals from Birch are clear and powerful, and the song itself is a big ass rock/melodic punk fusion. 

The single also contains a remix of The Fods debut single. “Gil Barco.” This is commercial with some very fine guitar harmony. I liked this one a lot: “watching through the glass… the window with chills.” Oh yes, I liked this song! This is one that I think Radio 1 here in the UK should pick up on; it has these great vocals, and I wanted to hear it again immediately after, so it got a double play. Well done, guys. For me to play a track several times on the loop is a very good sign. This is a really well crafted song. 

You can download the single and more from The Fods here.
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I have pinned an earlier track by the guys below.

By Stevie Ritson